Bunker Project Log

Archive for the 'Gloating' Category

10 Mar

BP 2008-03-07: Ownage

There is a LAN for old men. Or, at least there is when the game is XMP, and the old men are myself, DangerKitty and Junior.

As I’ve mentioned before, I love XMP. The more I think about it, the more I realize that it is the most perfectly balanced multi-player game ever made.

The only problem with it is, it takes a lot to learn, and it is even harder to get anyone to play it.

Unless of course you challenge a whole LAN worth of young bucks to a three on seven game. (They took the bait.)

20 Sep

Singstar Gloatfestival – Boypower FTW!

I’m sure this will result in a game of Tamsk, Zertz, Yinsh… and my ultimate destruction. And I will probably have to video it, and declare that my wife is Teh Boardgame Mastar!!!!111one But until then, I will take what I can get.

This is just a reminder to the Bunker faithful… Singstar Amped and 80’s in the house Friday!


I have a newfound respect for the lead singer? of Boston. These notes are long… major diaphragmage.


So FUN!!!


Also… SO FUN!!!!


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