Bunker Project Log

Archive for the 'Cleaning Up' Category

10 Nov

Bunker Party 2007-11-09 – Aftermath

As I mentioned in my Bunker Party 2007-11-09 writeup, I had to give everyone the boot at 4am. The?u side effect of this was, there wasn’t the usual orderly cleanup that happens when we all collectively decide that it’s bed time.

The upshot is, I was able to capture the Bunker post-party. Here’s what it looks like:

The Wetbar


The Theater


Peripherals everywhere!


I’m not a drinker, so I may be square… but I found this on the lan this morning, and I just had to giggle:


22 Oct

Let the healing begin!

I’ve been in this house for 3 years now, and this is the first time the basement has been whole. By whole, I mean… organized, not totally junkified, put together.

So, I am sort of chilling out and enjoying it. I hadn’t realized how much the mess had been bugging me.

Here are the pics for those that care. I’m going to need some decorations for the Analog room, so feel free to suggest something cool. There will be a new addition in there if all goes through as planned. Watch for it at the next Bunker Party, which should be this Friday!

17 Oct

Conservation of Mass 2: Electric Boogaloo

I’m certain that I have some kind of obsessive compulsive disorder, but I’m not sure what form. I generally don’t mind a mess until it reaches a certain point (a point probably further than most humans can tolerate) but then, BAM! I have to have it fixed, or I go absolutely berzerk, and I can’t think of anything else until it is done. That is where I am right now.

Luckily I am succeeding.


The Workbench will be a major component of tomorrow’s work


And the Analog room is still screwed, but I can see more floor!

16 Oct

Conservation of Mass

A week ago, I had to help my buddy Jjam out with some network issues he had. This amounted to telling him to just a buy a new router, and that led to him needing a 15-foot network cable.

The thing is, I have been seriously slamming crap into the Bunker Workshop/Storage room. I mean, I just threw everything that I needed to get out of the way in there. By the time I was digging around for the network cable, there was stuff piled to the ceiling. We were literally climbing up and digging down through piles of crap to find a box full of cable that I knew was there. In the end, I couldn’t find it.

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