Bunker Project Log

Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

22 Sep

Itty Bitty BP 2009-09-19

I?d ripped apart the Bunker infrastructure, and put it back together slightly sloppily. I wasn?t really sure how it would go, so I had a sort of limited release party to work the kinks out.

First to arrive was Timmah!, who came with a bag of grocery store cellophaned subs (my favorite kind!) He checked out Beatles Rock Band while I fretted over the loss of machine #7. D?OH!!


Believe it or not, I solved this by inserting my Windows CD, hitting ?R?, attempting to log in, realizing that I do not know my administrator password for that machine (which is odd), then frantically rebooting. It woke right back up. Booyah!

01 Jan

Weirdo Sunday Bunker Party Prep

My 360 Red-ringed last week, so I had to get a new one. (Guess who bought it 3 years and 1 day before?)

I replaced it with an Arcade, to make sure I got a Jasper and HDMI. This meant using the old hard drive, and the transferring of content. If anyone is interested, or I am bored, I will post the details of 360 DRM management.

The Bunker was a disaster, mainly because I had vomited little styrene spaceships all over the place. Details on those later. You are on pins and needles, I can tell.

01 Jan

Weirdo Sunday Bunker Party: 2008-12-28

Due to the holiday season and other foibles, I was forced to have the latest BP on a Sunday. Although unnerving and possibly unholy, it happened with new hotness. 19 brave souls entered and 2 stayed behind. Excruciating detail to follow.

01 Jan

Happy New Year!

One of my resolutions… plog more… plog less. In other words, more often, and short. The way it should be.

I’ve been here before, we’ll see how it plays out. Yay 2009.

22 Aug

Days of Wonder has moved on from BattleLore! (and I am happy as a clam!)

I love Days of Wonder games. In fact, I think I have opened several posts with exactly those words several times in the past.

However, they haven’t put anything new out in a while, and that has really bummed me out. I don’t know if this is true, but I have been blaming BattleLore.

Sure, the game has lots of cool bits, and if it is anything like Memoir 44, (which I enjoyed my one brief play of) it should be fun.

However, I’m sick of going to the DOW website and being bombarded with news of up and coming Battlelore expansion packs, and no new games!

25 Mar

Bunkerguts theme weirdness fixed!

Thanks to Scott Burkett at Pothole on the Infobahn, I’ve finally solved my theme changing issue. Hopefully my two loyal readers will never again be shellshocked by the constant theme switching.

Also, for my one mobile reader (possibly Dangerkitty), the site now actually shows up and works well in a mobile browser. Thanks to Alex King’s WordPress Mobile Edition for that one. (Of course, I’ve had this thing installed since about day one, but I was too stupid to install it correctly.)

One more thing off the list. Now to review the 10 or 20 games that have been waiting!

17 Feb

Getting back into the swing of things…

I’ve spent the last three months tearing apart the Bunker and putting it back together again. (at least three times in fact.) I’ve upgraded a lot, both for the sake of fun, and for my own sanity (no more cable bundle!)

Unfortunately, all this change has resulted in having no time to do anything on the blog, and I’ve gotten out of habit.

However, there’s been a lot of gameplaying to tell about, and a bunch of games that I hope will make it to the table on the next Bunker Party. So, watch this spot!

07 Dec

Team Fortress 2 Success!

Tonight was TF2 install night for me, while Pottse rebuilt the game server. The xcopy is still running from the old partially whacked drive, and hopefully I can scrape a few minutes together to get the software running again.


And… what’s a Bunker post without everyone’s favorite attention whore?

He's everywhere

Tonight… you.

06 Dec

O.M.G. Kill Me Now.

This is what happened to me during the install of the Team Fortress 2 dedicated server. This is so friggin typical, and basically what drove me to buy new hardware in the first place. (But not a new server, genius that I am.)


We’ll see how this plays out, but as usual, this has happened a day before the dizzle, so I will be scrambling.

06 Dec

Bunker Party Preview – The Ship

So, the Ship is installed, I won’t go into much detail, since you can find out all about it at this Gamerankings link.

I will however, answer the questions that I remember.

1) After the first person is killed, you have a configurable amount of time (currently set at 90 seconds) to kill your target before the round ends.

2) When you start a new round, you are only given a new target. You stay exactly where you were when the round ended, and your status stays the same (if you had to pee, you still have to pee!)

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