Bunker Project Log

14 Jan

Another year, another Bunker restart – the Analog Room

The dizzle was set to start at 5, and I should have been turning things on, but was instead framing and hanging the pictures that Mrs. G had composed and printed as 18?x24? posters a year before. She had given me a rage-saturated earful about the fact that I hadn?t done anything with them since I first attempted to put them up.

What Mrs. G wants, Mrs. G gets, so they were displayed in all their glory, with about 5 minutes to spare.


SirKy arrived first at 5 o’clock sharp, which was good, because he found the football game. I had promised Timmah that the playoffs would be on, but what the hell do I know about pro football? I played two years in junior high, but that was enough for me.


Surprisingly, it filled up fast. Timmah appeared, and at some point Birry rolled in… which was a shocker. We are back to "Natting Out" because NatX Natted out. Suck that, NatX!

So now it was time for Tumblin’ Dice, which is hella fun. With the perfect mix of skill, luck, and smacktalk. Supposedly moneys changed hands, but I know nassink!


My fresh, and completely unplayed copy of Castle Panic made it to the table right away.


Luckily, I was not in charge of the rules, but we still made a game-losing mistake, by recycling the monsters back in to the monster bag. Unfortunately, killing all the monsters in the bag is the goal of the game, so we were quickly destroyed.


While this was going on, I convinced a newcomer, Belucci, and Bunker regular ?Ex-Intern? to play Risk Express. (I?m being pretty liberal with the nerd handles here, but they should know who they are. If I could ever get back on the LAN again, I would probably remember what Ex-Intern?s tag is!)


Castle Panic morphed into a quick game of Tsuro, which was perfect to draw in Very Metal and his very hip girly, who I will name? George, because I am hilarious.


I have to mention that hosting a board game party requires a certain amount of bullying. I swear, the average human would rather take a spike to the eyeball than play a boardgame.

Once the ladies finished Risk Express, they moved on to Monopoly Deal, which is a very fun card game. Just like Monopoly, it has major screwage, but it only takes fifteen minutes to play, so you don?t end up wanting your 3 hours back (and there are fewer broken bones.) Somehow Pottse managed to schmooze his way in.

 Monopoly Deal

Then Ticket to Ride appeared, for the first time in a year. I stumbled through the rules explanation and let them go. By the time I returned, another newcomer, Erica, had torn everyone up.


This led to a game of Quicksand, which I won for the very first time. (Probably because Mrs. G, the Queen of Deception, was nowhere to be seen.) Smink had a winning hand directly after me, but that just made him first loser. Burn!


As all this was going on, Jeng arrived bearing pizzas, and Jolli in tow. Jolli is a major Chess goon, so my crappy board game out. I think he won a lot, but I never got a final tally. All I know is, he didn?t play SirKy, which I desperately wanted to see.

Bunker Class

  Then? tragedy struck. Twice. First was my ridiculous attempt at starting a ginormous game of Battlestar Galactica? at 11pm, knowing that it is 3 hours long? after having only played it once? and completely forgetting the rules. Second? Jolli spilled an entire glass of wine on the board.

I have no pictures, but the board seems fine now. All hope of playing the game was lost.

I tried to regroup with a lumbering game of Chinatown.


Jolli bailed halfway through with a ridiculous building layout (note the black tokens below). I don?t think he got it.

Jolly's Ridiculous Chinatown Hodge Podge 

I tried to warn Smink and Jasper that Mrs. G is evil and was not to be trusted, but they wouldn?t believe me. She ended up totally sneaking up from behind and stealing the win from the crestfallen Jasper, and drained Smink?s resources down to last loser. (Now he knows how I feel.) I finished third.

By now it was 2, and for some reason we were compelled to play another game of Castle Panic. We won! But it was 3am at closing time, and the rodents were set to awake at their usually 7:30am, so I kicked everyone out.

The kids woke up at 6:45 by the way. D?oh.

4 Responses to “Another year, another Bunker restart – the Analog Room”

  1. 1
    Ms. G Says:

    Nice pictures on the wall! 🙂

  2. 2
    DividedByZer0 Says:

    I agree with Ms. G. The analog room looks decidedly more roomy and less auto. Ah, the ever morphing bunker.

  3. 3
    Stub Says:

    Somebody should mention Let’s Dance going on in the Wii Room with The Brazilian Bombshell, Sr and Fenny Jr. THAT was fun to watch. (names changed to protect the guilty here)

  4. 4
    Mama Says:

    Yeah, a party finally, the pictures and the room looked great.

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