Bunker Project Log

01 Jan

Weirdo Sunday Bunker Party Proceedings

Stub arrived first and waited for me to sync all my controllers to the new 360. Ingenious of me to forget that part. Within minutes Papergirl (who has been gallivanting in Redmond so long that I forgot her old nerd handle) arrived with her sister. Somehow I got those sweet innocent things to play a completely sociopathic round of Pain. The new movie studio environment didn’t seem to be a hit, although the Hoff model was semi-interesting.

By now everything was working and more dorks were arriving. It was decided that it was time to fire up Left 4 Dead.

Left 4 Dead is a 4-player coop game, with an 8-player versus mode. In my infinite (and draconian) wisdom, I vetoed the versus mode and fell back to Pottse’s suggested L4D Race. The gist of this is, you start two coop games at the same time and see which team makes it through first.

While that was going on, Scene It was finally hitting the 360. I had bought it months on clearance at Target months ago (boo-yah!) but hadn’t found the right crowd to inflict it on.

In the Analog Room, I was trying to convince Red and Dirrty to play Yahtzee Free for All. Either it sucked, or it is impossible to enjoy playing anything other than Blokus with Dirrty. Thus… we played Blokus. I lost (for the very first time I think). Very Metal won. Innuendo permeated.

I have to mention that the Left 4 Dead screaming in the other room was hilarious, and gave us a new Bunker Party gem, spoken by the great Hman: “I need time to heal.”

(You had to be there.)

Next up was the long awaited first match of Star Wars Pocketmodels (pew pew). It was full of drama and suspense, and a massive amount of eye-rolling, bitching, and general sarcastic smuggery by Dirrty and BC (who could have just walked their asses home if they didn’t want to witness the event of the universe.) I lost. Barely (or maybe humiliatingly. Boo.)

By now, Rock Band 2 was back on the 360, Left 4 Dead was finishing, and Z was itching to be commander in Savage 2. This turned out to be quite fun. Game 1 was good (I was on the winning team.) Game 2 sucked (I was on the losing team.) Z and Seraphim played as the RTS mode commanders while the rest of us did their bidding.

Unbelievably, the DOTA plague appeared again, and I retreated to the Analog room for anything. I had hoped to start a game of BSG, but the fans in attendance were dropping like flies and… everybody had to go to work in the morning. Herein we find the real weakness of the Sunday BP.

Eventually, Mrs. G used her powers of telling me what to do and decided we would play Electronic Detective. (Acquired for her by me from eBay… awesomest husband evar.) This was her favorite game as a yute, and we were forced to enjoy it with her. It wasn’t bad, but very 70’s, and a little unintuitive. (It seems to have the processing power of a calculator, and definitely the display of one.) Mrs. G owned us all, and wore a gloaty face for the rest of the night. And week.

By now it was late (11pm… HA!) We decroded into a melange of Singstar Abba, Tsuro and a few lingering cursed games of DOTA. Guests were booted out the door at midnight. Unthinkable. 

2 Responses to “Weirdo Sunday Bunker Party Proceedings”

  1. 1
    Jayjian Says:

    While Left 4 Dead was fun I thought Savage 2 was the highlight of the night. I could have played that again and again. Heck I was even willing to forgo DOTA for more rounds of that. The first time someone managed to summon a demon and the entire map went red was the highlight of my night.

  2. 2
    Reebs Says:

    Daywalker bunker, I beat you at Trigon Blokus. So second time you were owned in some form of Blokus. I’m sad I missed it.

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