Bunker Project Log

25 Mar

Bunkerguts theme weirdness fixed!

Thanks to Scott Burkett at Pothole on the Infobahn, I’ve finally solved my theme changing issue. Hopefully my two loyal readers will never again be shellshocked by the constant theme switching.

Also, for my one mobile reader (possibly Dangerkitty), the site now actually shows up and works well in a mobile browser. Thanks to Alex King’s WordPress Mobile Edition for that one. (Of course, I’ve had this thing installed since about day one, but I was too stupid to install it correctly.)

One more thing off the list. Now to review the 10 or 20 games that have been waiting!

4 Responses to “Bunkerguts theme weirdness fixed!”

  1. 1
    Dangerkitty Says:

    Browsing the page on my HTC Advantage and can verify the mobile version works perfctly. My life IS now complete.

  2. 2
    Gangrene Says:

    Did I call it or what? DK is the world’s largest gadget nerd.

  3. 3
    Markus O'Reallyus Says:

    I can die a happy man now. On a side note, I’ve opted to use Firefox plug-ins to handle my RSS needs. We’ll see how they go. I don’t need the exchange server putting my slackitude on blast.

    If/when I find one that really works for me and I actually use it enough, I’ll post back on the off chance someone cares.

  4. 4
    Markus O'Reallyus Says:

    Well I’ve been using these RSS feed readers and none of them do exactly what I want but this one, http://www.wizzrss.com/, has been serving me quite well. If only I had the skill set required to make myself a program to do exactly what I want.

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