Bunker Project Log

17 Feb

Getting back into the swing of things…

I’ve spent the last three months tearing apart the Bunker and putting it back together again. (at least three times in fact.) I’ve upgraded a lot, both for the sake of fun, and for my own sanity (no more cable bundle!)

Unfortunately, all this change has resulted in having no time to do anything on the blog, and I’ve gotten out of habit.

However, there’s been a lot of gameplaying to tell about, and a bunch of games that I hope will make it to the table on the next Bunker Party. So, watch this spot!

For the attendees, make sure to comment about the ones that look good so I know which to push when the next BP actually happens!

6 Responses to “Getting back into the swing of things…”

  1. 1
    DrFaulken Says:

    Glad you’re back 🙂 I was getting nervous you’d given up on writing.

  2. 2
    Gangrene Says:

    Thanks for the support, Doc! I don’t know if it is the same for you, but a typical post takes at least an hour. That’s a big commitment when there is so much to do.

  3. 3
    DrFaulken Says:

    I hear you — I started a new job recently and it’s sucked out my desire to sit in front of the computer any longer than necessary. Entries that have photos take longer to write, and an hour seems about right for a product review. I was surprised how long it took me to write about the Open-X package opener. It seemed a pretty simple write-up to me beforehand.

    On the flip side, I have been playing a LOT more games. 🙂

  4. 4
    Markus O'Reallyus Says:

    yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, i had given up hope.

    also i’d like to take a little credit because friday i yelled at gangrene to make a post already :).

    reading this blog used to be an addiction which i suffered an involuntary withdrawal. i look forward to falling off the wagon.

  5. 5
    Gangrene Says:

    Faulken, at least your photos look like they took some time. Mine certainly don’t. 😉

    I laughed when I saw your Open-X review though. I bought a pair of those things what seems like 5 years back, and never been able to use anything but the thumb blade. And yes, I almost lay my fingers open every time I use it.

  6. 6
    Gangrene Says:

    Markus, yes, yr dumb email was partially to blame for my return. 100 Bunker Points for you.

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