Bunker Project Log

03 Aug

Asymmetric Mamefare – Mametiplication – Mamedrox

The recently acquired MAME Cabinet was sort of the dream fulfilled, but before that fell in my lap, I had decided to settle on converting my Make Trax Cocktail machine into a MAME cabinet. This was brought out to me by my Pa?a few moons ago. I hadn’t really had a chance of messing with it, because it was buried under? massive piles of junk (that now solely inhabit the Bunker Workroom.)


My previous plan was to make replicas of the wooden control panel base. These are basically a piece of longer than wide plywood, on which I can place the standard stick and 6 button combo.

Here’s the machine with the lid open, showing the full width of the panel.


From there, the rest would be the usual… gutting the box, doing cosmetic repairs on the outer shell, and replacing the monitor with a semi-modern CRT computer monitor.

So, here’s my plan:

  1. Take the buttons from the “Ginormous MAME Box ‘o’ Death” (after building the “Ginormous Quad Panel of Enormitude”)
  2. Fab the new control panels and mount said buttons
  3. Gut the box, take the puny CRT that is currently sitting in the “Ginormous MAME Box ‘o’ Death” (after having been replaced by the “Jumbotronic CRT of Heaviness”)
  4. Hook it all up to some PC I slap together
  5. Sit back, relax and think of something else to do other than enjoy the groovy box I just made

Here are some other pictures for the deviants who enjoy the classic arcade nudies:

The Coin Door




The Manual




More Guts


One Response to “Asymmetric Mamefare – Mametiplication – Mamedrox”

  1. 1
    Andrew Demolat Says:

    Any way that you could post more pictures/ possibly sell some parts off this Make Trax cocktail? I’d be interested in the manual as well.

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