Bunker Project Log

Archive for August, 2007

20 Aug

360 Guitars – the X-Ploder

As some of you know, I have a hate hate relationship with the PS3. Because of it, I had to buy a charge station to keep my single Sixaxxis charged up (since it won’t charge when the console is off… brilliant.) It ruined all the warm and gooshy feelings that I have for God of War, since I attempted to play GOWII on the PS3 with the Sixaxxis (which, besides having no rumble, is heftless, and has the cheapest most cynical afterthought as a response to the 360’s trigger… the hideous “extended” L2 and R2 buttons.)

20 Aug

Bunker Party 2007-08-17


Friday night’s Bunker Party started at 7:30. I had arrived home at 6:45 to tie a few loose ends, namely vacuuming… and unlocking a few more songs on Guitar Hero II 360. I’ve had trouble finding time to play (compounded by the fact that the X-plorer guitar totally sucks.) I suffered through and unlocked up to Thrash and Burn just as the first contestants walked in.

17 Aug

TJ Bearygutted

?When I was a kid, my grandpa got me a Radio Shack 160 in?One?Electronics Kit.?I loved it, but I?only remember doing?two things with it. One was?a cheezy morse code project (with both noise, and lights, and both!) and the other was… the Shocker.

The Shocker?used the 9V battery connector, a relay, a capacitor,?a transformer, and probably one or?two more parts that I can’t remember.?It basically charged the capacitor, then somehow tripped the relay, then charged it again with a nasty clicking noise.?I zapped my sister a few times,?and was hooked.

17 Aug

Bunker Party Prep!

There’s a lot of prep for a BP. I’m procrastinating by posting.



DDR Room
Get CDs back in cases
Make sure projector starts and all consoles are hooked up
Make sure CRT?starts and all consoles are hooked up
Check Batteries

The Lan
Clean up
Put CDs in cases
Clean off Make Trax
Make sure all the machines start
Check the NAS

The Theater
Clean out the cupholders
Put away all the pillows

Stock TP
Make?sure we have clean towels
Clean the toilet (boo!)?

15 Aug

Being broken makes baby Cthulhu cry

Fix Me, or I will awake from my millenia of slumber and devour your soul!

It was a month after Version 2.0 popped out of Mrs. G’s belly, and?ma and pa had come to do the things that grandparents do when their children have children. My dad and I were sitting on his truck’s trailer hitch, shooting the breeze. Him with his Busch Lite, me with a Diet A&W Root Beer. Then he looks at me quite seriously and says, “Y’know?son, If you ever need anything, you know you can call and we’ll come out and help.”

So I think about this for a second, and I say, “Y’know dad, there is something you can help me out with.”

14 Aug


(Please note: for the length of this review, the word “huggermuggered” will mean duped, ambushed, suckered, or just outright screwed in to something. For example “I got huggermuggered into playing ‘Huggermugger’ with my wife”. Recent dictionary searches?have pointed out that I may have been using this word incorrectly for many years. If so, I blame my public school education.)

For the moment, my “project log”?has?turned into?anything but. However,?I’m hosting a big Bunker Party on Friday, so I’m going to have to make some progress on something.?

Until then, here’s?the beef?on Huggermugger (yick! 5.1 on Boardgamegeek). ??

13 Aug

Bargain Alert! 4G Sony USB Memory Stick for $29.99 at Target B&M

I have documented my love of Target before. This weekend contained two blissful trips to that commercial mecca.?On the second, I stumbled upon this deal.?I’m posting it here because: 1) it’s a great deal and you should buy it, and 2) I get to bitch about USB memory stick design, which, on the whole, is moronic.

First, why this is cool? 4Gigs be big. It’s light and svelte, and most importantly, this:

In! Out

and… it also does this:

Out In!?


12 Aug

Inkognito ain’t so neato

For some reason, I was compelled to play something tonight. The kids were in bed, but I know Fatty McGee well enough that within ten minutes of starting a flick, he’s going to scream his little lungs out. (Actually, the sweet little monsterpop is sitting right in front of me, prolly with teethies poppin out of his 4-month old gums.)

So, I did the unthinkable and gave Mrs. G a choice. Y’see, she took umbrage with my assertion that she always picks something crappy (read paragraph 1 here) so I did this as a test. Her options were Rat Hot (6.5 on boardgamegeek), or Inkognito (5.2 on boardgamegeek). She chose Inkognito.

12 Aug

Aux In yo face!

Aux In - Audiovox front

I love audiobooks. I have a 30 minute commute, and road rage… or I had road rage until I discovered Audible!

Now, I actually look forward to traffic jams! My car has become a whole new venue of individual entertainment!

In fact, my company is moving offices so my commute is cut in half, and I’m worried that I won’t get my book time.

11 Aug

Memoir ’44 – Wargaming with the wife

Mrs. G is never in the mood for anything except girly movies, cookies and Crunch bars. However, she does have very geek sensibilities. What this means is, almost every entertainment media we watch or play or whatever, has to be a surprise up to the last second, because… if she had the choice, she would never pick anything remotely cool.

So, the onus is on me to find stuff that I know she will like, even though her first instinct would be to roll her eyes and grouse about it. This can be daunting, because I’m always worried about the one time that I will make her watch something that legitimately sucks, or… that she just doesn’t like, at all.

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